December 26, 2018

Turn Your Ideas into Realities


Location: Brewster, MN

What kind of first impression do you want to present to your customers in your industry? I can help you with your custom business needs to bring you to the "next level of success." Invest in your business. It pays off. I have nearly 20 years of experience with developing websites and marketing online businesses. Make your business a priority and contact me today at... Creative projects include, but not limited to the following: • Promotional materials • Digital or printable publications • Product or business demo videos • Graduation or funeral videos • Informational brochures • Customer invoices or proposals • Event fliers or posters • Business or product logos • Business card design • Online directory submissions • E-commerce startup • Blog set up • Ebook creation • Facebook business pages • PowerPoint presentations • Formatting professional documents • Website development • Domain setup and redirect • Graphic layout and design • Storefront or vendor show banners • Customer or client newsletters • Online store set up • Advertising literature • Trade show display signage

Seller Information
Name Marjorie Peterson
Phone (507) 360-1600
EmailSend Email
Contact Seller

Date Posted December 26, 2018
Last Modified July 8, 2024
Date Expires August 7, 2024
Days Online 2039
Days Left 11
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